Mo Hamzianpour, CEO of SportsKred - The Clubhouse London

News from in & around
The Clubhouse

Mo Hamzianpour, CEO of SportsKred


In addition to keeping you updated about all the great things that are going on at The Clubhouse, we thought we’d turn the tables and put the focus on all the exciting things our fantastic members are achieving!

For our October ‘Member in the Spotlight’ feature we spoke to Mo Hamzianpour, CEO of SportsKred. Mo and his team joined The Clubhouse this June.

1. Tell us about yourself and your company.
We are a London-based creative and commercial team that digitally connects brands with sports influencers for endorsement and sponsorship deals. We make it easier for marketers to connect with their audience in an authentic and scalable way. We work with influencers in sports to deliver the brands’ messages organically and creatively.

Through our platform, athletes and sports influencers can monetise their social media presence and benefit from the influence that they have already acquired by establishing meaningful relationships with their fans and generating high value content. At the same time, Sportskred gives brands and advertisers the opportunity to connect and communicate directly with a highly engaged and targeted audience through a trusted source.

We are creating a win-win situation for brands and athletes.

2. What has been your biggest success so far?
Our influencer marketing platform has just gone live for sport influencers, and will go live for all other stakeholders later this month. Naturally, we are beyond excited!

3. What’s the best bit of advice you’ve ever been given?
The best advice has to be from Sylvester Stallone.

‘ I am not the richest, smartest or most talented person in the world, but I succeed because I keep going and going and going. ’

4. What project are you most excited about right now?
We are currently working on a content competition for sports influencers to give a taste of their digital content and demonstrate that they have what it takes to endorse brands on social media!

We are thrilled to have an exclusive rock star panel of judges from Insanity Media, Deloitte, Bath University and London Business School. The competition will be key to showcase the influencers to brands!

5. Are you an early bird or night owl?
I am neither an early bird nor a night owl, but somehow every day around 11am I’m on fire. Maybe I’m a mid-morning kind of guy!

6. How has being a member of The Clubhouse improved the way you work or contributed to the success of your business?
The working environment is fantastic. Grosvenor Hill has provided the ideal flexible space for our team. The constant flow of refreshments is a pleasure, but we may drink too much coffee!

7. Where can other members find you?
Our team is often huddled around one of the hot-desks in Grosvenor Hill. We are a friendly bunch and always keen to meet new members.

8. Favourite place to go in London? (apart from The Clubhouse obviously!)
I love standing on top of Primrose Hill, which has arguably one of the best views of London. It’s particularly satisfying to take in the view after a brisk up the hill. Once the effects of the asphyxiation has worn off!!

We hope you enjoyed finding out a little more about Mo and SportsKred, don’t forget to say hello if you see him at The Clubhouse! You can also find other members on our Members Directory, either browse the directory or search for a particular skill. Make sure to upload your own information so that other members can also find you – just log into your account and choose My Profile.

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