Harveen Gill, Managing Director of HGA - The Clubhouse London

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The Clubhouse

Harveen Gill, Managing Director of HGA

harveen gill 2In addition to keeping you updated about all the great things that are going on at The Clubhouse, we thought we’d turn the tables and put the focus on all the exciting things our fantastic members are achieving!

For our September ‘Member in the Spotlight’ feature we spoke to Harveen Gill, Joint-Founder and Managing Director of Harveen Gill Associates (HGA). Harveen has been a member of The Clubhouse for three years so you may have seen her around!

1. Tell us about yourself and your company.
HGA is a boutique Recruitment Consultancy specialising in the fashion and retail sectors. We are based at The Clubhouse but also have bases in Johannesburg, Dubai, Istanbul and Italy. Given our tenure in our sector (Sue Webster, my business partner and I have worked extensively in the industry pre recruitment), we also provide commercial consultancy services assisting fashion retailers and brands to grow internationally. Greg Tufnell (ex CEO Mothercare, Burton Menswear and now Managing Partner, Prime Advantage) is also a Non-Executive Chairman and coincidentally a Clubhouse member!

We work in an extremely competitive market place and trade on our values, level of service and ethics. We collaborate with other like minded organisations, for example we are due to host a joint dinner in November with KPMG / Boxwood.

2. What has been your biggest success so far?
60% of our assignments are located internationally; we have just secured a Digital Director to be based in Indonesia, and one of our most lucrative assignments was to secure a Chief Merchandise Officer, based in Istanbul.

We have sponsored Drapers Fashion Summit (our industry event) for the last three years, and I have run the London Marathon for Retail Trust, our industry charity.

3. What is the worst business ‘faux-pas’ you’ve committed?
I assumed that a male with a very high pitched voice was a female, and then failed to recognise him at our appointed meeting (his name was Teri), try explaining that!

4. Who inspires you and why?
Martha Lane Fox – she is a warrior and has succeeded as an Entrepreneur, Politician and Philanthropist – oh and she is a woman!

5. What project are you most excited about right now?
We are currently working with Amazon for a launch that will be going live soon!

I am most excited about the effect of the “4th industrial revolution” and how this is affecting every aspect of how we live, work and socialise. These technologies are having a huge impact on retailers and consequently the talent sought. There is a movement where we are seeing a huge need for personalisation and this is opening the door for customer emotional engagement, which most retailers do not provide. One innovative retail concept is Bikini Berlin.

6. If you were on an island and could only bring three things, what would you bring?
I’m an avid reader so would love a kindle that had millions of downloaded books, a Nespresso machine and an indulgence – Crème de la Mer face cream!

7. How has being a member of The Clubhouse improved the way you work or contributed to the success of your business?
We have found The Clubhouse to be professional and helpful – and situated in a great location. I am here (Grosvenor Hill) most days. Our clients and candidates comment on their great experience here. We have recommended The Clubhouse far and wide.

8. What is your favourite place to go in London (apart from The Clubhouse obviously!)
London is the best city in the world so there are numerous places. However two that spring to mind are Scotts for a classy meal in Mayfair to celebrate and the V&A to marvel at the finest antiquities in jaw dropping architecture.

We hope you enjoyed finding out a little more about Harveen and HGA, don’t forget to say hello if you see her at The Clubhouse! You can also find other members on our Members Directory, either browse the directory or search for a particular skill. Make sure to upload your own information so that other members can also find you – just log into your account and choose My Profile.

If you’d like to be featured in an upcoming Member in the Spotlight, please contact elizabeth@theclubhouselondon.com.