One of the most exciting technological developments at The Clubhouse is the MultiTaction MTCanvus iWall in The Greenhouse. You may have walked passed one of these screens at The Clubhouse, St James’s or The Clubhouse, Bank location and wondered, how it would be relevant to my business and is it easy to use?
The answer is yes – it’s easy to use and it’s definitely relevant if you want to maximise productivity and output. Apart from the obvious engagement (ie fun) factor of a giant video wall, it’s the interactive element that makes it so appealing. Gone is the era of day-long meetings where an individual stood up with a lone presentation sending their co-workers to sleep or struggled with a flimsy flip chart. Now we discuss and debate, we brainstorm and collaborate, and we take decisions there and then. Getting the most out of a meeting requires a new approach. It needs a new type of meeting space that is less about command and control, and more about collaboration and creation. The Greenhouse is this space.
For this type of meeting, you need to use large-scale touch displays to enable seamless interaction between the physical and digital worlds; something that offers all the functionality you expect from your iPad but on a scale where groups, as opposed to just individuals, can interact with it. Instead of meetings that work as staid monologues, you could have access to live data and real situational awareness enabling open, collaborative and productive dialogue.
You can pull in data from multiple sources to one giant display and present the information side by side in a series of live ‘windows’ that are all fully interactive. In this environment there is no digital divide: you can interact with the screen using a range of media including your fingers, infrared pens and other everyday objects. Bring your own device and share content onto the interactive walls, and with seamless integration across laptops, smart devices and interactive displays, you can easily save and access content at any time – and for those not in the room, you can also video conference. Welcome to the new age of meetings.
If you would like to find out more about The Greenhouse and how it can be used to transform your meetings, we would be more than happy to organise a training session for you and your team.
Email to save a space at our upcoming training session on Wednesday 17th October between 10am – 12:30pm at The Clubhouse, St James’s where Jaypaul Barrow from Multitaction will take attendees through the features of the tool and give bespoke advice that will benefit your team most.
The Greenhouse is charged on an hourly basis from only £95 per hour. Click here to view our rooms and book online
In addition to The Greenhouse our boardrooms at all locations feature high specification but easy to use and reliable video-conferencing by StarLeaf. StarLeaf’s cloud technology offers unparalleled interoperability with other video calling services, so your organization can reach out and connect with the widest possible audience. View our article on StarLeaf Video Conferencing.